Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Revolution

"The flashing spirit of Jesus Christ breaks new paths everywhere.  His sentences stand like quivering swords of flame because he did not come to bring peace, but a revolution" (emphasis mine)

Brennan Manning wrote these words in his book "The Furious Longing of God."  

I wonder if you've ever considered such a statement, because when I read it the first time I immediately stopped...then read it again.  Now, I am not a person who has dedicated his whole life to saving the whales and giving peace a chance.  I am after all a Marine. I am very into love.  The love Christ showed us and taught us to give.  However these words brought a whole new way of thinking my way.  I wonder if you agree. I also wonder if you disagree.  

I mean let's think about it. What if those words were absolutely true.  Not bring peace? The Savior of Man and creator.  Not only did he not come to bring peace, but a revolution!  Let's take another read through the Gosples and keep that idea in the back of our heads and see what we come up with.  If you believe in this Christ and believe He is who He said He was...then you believe that He is all knowing...right?  

Well I would think that an all knowing God would be aware of the repercussions that would come from a baby born in a major, who grew up as a carpenter claiming after 30 short years to be the Messiah.  Almost everything He did was controversial in some way to some groups of people.  Is this an underlying message of peace? He must have known our human nature and how we would react.  And by we I mean all man kind. Whether you believe in Him or not He has drastically and  radically changed your world.  For better and for worse.  

The controversy, the arguments, the laws and the changing of laws.  All done because of Him.  Wars have been fought.  Babies have been saved.  Lives have been changed.  He must have known that His presence on earth would forever create turmoil because of  two gifts he gave us. The gift of salvation and the gift to choose.     

His plan is always perfect and always unfailing.  So what if next time you read through the Gospels you think about this revolution and it's cost.  Think about the actions of this God/Man and not only what he was teaching and illustrating with his life, but what He knew would be the outcome of those actions. 

I think maybe he just cared for us so much that it was worth if for the love.  I also think never before in the history of creation has any one person uttered a more controversial statement...Luke 23:3



  1. Love this! That is why all the talk of peace on earth bugs me. Peace in our hearts - Yes! On Earth - No! When He returns - for sure! (after the final battle). :)

  2. I really appreciate your thoughts on this. You make a provocative point about peace. Christ certainly did bring peace to everybody he encountered. Often he brought conflict, even to his followers. The truth isn’t always easy to hear and sometimes it makes you squirm before it sets you free.
    It seems that there are different kinds of peace. I believe that the peace that Christ was after is the Shalom-peace that ungirds so much of the Biblical narrative. Shalom-peace is what happens when sin is forgiven, when relationships are restored, when we love God and our neighbors and when as Jesus says in Matthew 3:15 all righteousness is fulfilled.”
    Your thoughts provoke this line of questioning for me: As a disciple of Jesus, should I work for, want, pray for peace. And if so what kind? Inner peace? World peace? “Peace on earth and goodwill towards men?”
    At this point, I believe the answer is yes. But when I do, I need to keep in mind and heart that this peace is not some cheap version of Shalom-peace. It’s not “tolerance.” It is not “coexistence.” While tolerance and coexistence are noble concepts- they fall short the standard that Jesus holds out.
    I couldn’t image looking into my wife eye’s in an intimate moment and telling her, “Honey I tolerate you.” Or “Honey, I coexist with you.” Its got to be “Honey, I love you.” I love so much that I want to be true. And if that truth causes conflict…I love you enough to do whatever I can to work through it until it sets us free and there is peace between us.”
    Dang… I didn’t mean get on a soap box.

  3. Thanks for the comments Sharon P and Pastor Tim!!! That's what we're going for here though provoking conversation with the occasional enlightening thought :) thanks for reading. Feel free to share!
