Friday, October 18, 2013

what RIGHT do we have

Last night I was reading my twitter feed and my local school district posted an online chat titled, "Should parents spy on their kids?"  I was immediately irritated and it unfortunately got the wheels turning. There was a lot of commentary on both sides of the coin.  To my surprise 88% said yes, we should "spy" on our kids.  My irritation came mostly from the word spy. They are my children. It is not spying...we call it PARENTING!  LEARN IT! 

So some of the things that are talked about these days are our kids personal space such as their rooms, smart phones, back packs and school lockers.  Are you kidding me!  I am being told by the masses that I'm not really supposed to spy on my kids smart phone or look in their backpack because it's their personal space and their right. That is really another topic for another day.  But it made me think about this "rights" conversation that we seem to be having for the last few years. 

All of a sudden everybody has all kind of "rights"!  Where did we get these rights?  Who gave them to us?  Did we earn them?  One of the topics that has come to mind is the "right" to drive a motor vehicle.  I am constantly hearing (and I'm not even an officer) about people's rights involving their car.  I have bad news.  There is no law (that I am aware of) that gives anybody in this country the RIGHT to drive. I believe that driving a car is a privilege.  It can be given and taken away at any time for pretty much any reason by the correct powers that be.  So don't feel so entitled next time your behind the wheel, or the next time the kind gentlemen who's is reminding you that your abusing your privilege by giving you a little reminder ticket.  He is just doing his job, and no you don't have any right. 

How about the right to free health care?  This should stir the pot a little.  Do we all have the right to FREE health care?  Everybody's heard the saying nothings free right.  So who's paying for this...right?  This entitlement.  Let me pose this thought, maybe there's a reason that we can't afford healthcare in this country?  Maybe we should start looking into the root of the problem before we just throw up our hands and start handing out free rights? Cause those freedoms cost somebody, don't they?

So please tell me...what are we entitled to?  What do we have the right to? Maybe if you know the answers to these questions you can explain where we got these rights from in the first place and who is paying for these rights?  As far as I know, the only real RIGHT we are truly given is the right to have any personal religious belief structure in place that we choose.  That one can't be taken away regardless of the law of the land. Im not sure we are entitled to much else before a lot of blood, sweat and tears.


  1. RE: Healthcare, the argument is made that we have a "right" to affordable healthcare. And, it is a huge difference to say a right to healthcare vs. affordable healthcare. And, the extreme lefts and rights will argue this "right" with facts mixed with misinformation most of the time. The general population is not educated on specifics and relies on popular media to inform themselves on topics such as these. I have worked in the welfare department, and it's a different world than what we read and see on tv. There is so much misinformation out there. Watch this video and then tell me what you think about our current healthcare and the idea of universal healthcare.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the comments Melissa! Hope you're enjoying my blog. The video was great! I agree with how this gentleman is putting things. I agree that everyone deserves care. But at the end of the day the math doesn't lie. Someday somebody has to do the math. And like this video eludes to...maybe instead of changing everything right away, we should take a look at the root of the problem.

    This is an interesting video on how the cost of "affordable health care" is really going to affect us. You may like it.
