Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ironic Discrimination

Is it possible that anti-discrimination laws have actually become the biggest and most strict form of discrimination?  When did the individual become greater then the whole?  The most heated anti-discrimination issue of the day is same sex marriage.  This has been going on for years.  But at what cost I wonder.  I recently learned that here in CA this same sex marriage and anti-discrimination  battle took on a whole new realm.  The government here decided basically that we can no longer discriminate against sexual preference.  You can read up on SB 1172 and CA Congresswomen Jackie Speier. The articles written will do a much better job highlighting the issues with this bill.  In and of itself the heart of the law isn't the problem.  The problem is in what this congresswoman decided to defend.  Pedophilia (yes you read that right) was brought to light.  And the law was written so vaguely that pedophiles could now possibly make a case that this was their sexual orientation and they could no longer be "discriminated against".

Scary what not thinking things through will get you!  As far as I know, as of right now this law is still blocked and up for review this month. However the people that passed it are not only fighting it they are looking to bring it to a federal level.  So who really is being discriminated against? 

There are a few more problems with this particular sexual orientation fight that Ive never heard anyone bring up.  The biggest scariest one (to me anyway) is this, while everybody was celebrating the victory of the laws that have been passed...or un-passed, nobody (on either side) as it were, stopped for moment to really think. What just happened here?  We got what we wanted, or how did this happenbut how about hmmm.??? (finger on cleft of chin) We voted as a state.  The people decided what they wanted. And a few select people said, nah. We don't really care what you want; we're going to do what we want. Regardless of your stance on the issue doesnt this seem like a problem?  Am I the only person that is scared by this?  Not only did they take away our choices and our decisions, but they dictated to us how it would be and then we celebrated them for it.  That thought is kind of scary to me.  What else might they just decided for me in the future since now they know there won't really be a problem.

There has also been a long time issue of discrimination in the workplace.  What ever happened to whoever was able to complete the job at hand the best got the right to be paid to do that job. I dont really care what race, gender sexual orientation, age, size shape or language you speak.  Are you the best for this position? Now I know what you might be thinking, and I do know the heart of the law.  But did it work?

So here's my thought.  It seems like maybe we went from a few people being unhappy and discriminated against to discriminating against everybody in some way.  Is this progress? And should we call this movement “anti-discrimination” or would maybe you have a better title?

What are your thoughts?


  1. I couldn't agree with you more.

  2. Very well thought out and said. Our conservative votes in California, at least, are practically nil. Why bother voting if the judges are just going to turn our votes over. VERY SCARY
