Dear Girls,
Life is confusing.
Let there be no doubt in your mind that in your life you will encounter
many difficult decisions, many hard lessons and many tuff choices. But rest assured that you don't go
alone. For One has gone before you
and He choose your mother and I to be here for you every second of your life. In good times and in bad, in sickness
and in health.
See girls, you are to young now to understand what I am
saying. You are too young to
understand a lot of things. But
your mom and I will not let you down.
We will be here to make decisions for you. We will be here to pray for you and to guide you. We will not give up. We will not give in.
We will not give in to what society decides to accept. We will not give in to exhaustion. We will not give in peer pressure. We will not even give in to you. We love you that much. Even when it causes us pain and sadness.
We don't have all the answers. There is quite a lot that we are learning ourselves. But we are adults enough to realize
that and ask those that have come before us for help. We do know what you are going through now as we have gone
through it our selves.
We also know that a lot of what you hear in mainstream society is
wrong. Many parents these days
expect their children to make very important life decisions that they are
incapable of making. Decisions
about, gender, sexuality, body modification, medical care, religion and
schooling. Your mother and I do
not expect you to make such life altering decisions and would never place that
kind of burden and stress on you as a child. We will shoulder that weight and teach you as you grow.
While you are a child we desire nothing more than for you to
enjoy your childhood. For we know that
we have been chosen to shape and mold the future. We vow to lead by
example. If necessary we will give
our lives for you. But please hear
this... THIS is much more important!
No matter the cost.